Reasons not to wait to get your LAST Conference ticket
Here are some great reasons to get a registration to LAST Conference 2022 right now.
- Early Bird registrations are currently available, but there aren't many left. Get in before the price goes up.
- Prize draws. We have a number of prize draws that we are going to start on 22 July and then every few weeks after that until October. The earlier you register, the more chances you have to win.
Prizes include:
- A double pass to the upcoming Tech Leader Series, from the organisers of LAST (valued at >$2000)
- A registration for a Sprint Agile course (valued at >$1000. Thanks to Arash Arabi)
- Book prizes from friends of LAST, such as Lynne Cazaly, Shane Williams, Jurgen Appelo, Evan Leybourn, Alex Sloley and Shane Hastie
- We usually sell out. In past years we've always sold out of registrations weeks in advance and this year promises to be no different.
Finally, if you are planning to Submit an idea for a session for the Conf, you've only got until 13 July to do so.
Ed and Lisa at LAST Conference.
PS - If you wish to register 5 or more people from the same organisation, contact us and we can invoice you. We have already had companies who are sending 15 or more of their people to the event.

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