Why become a Full Member of the Clubhouse?
Feb 03, 2021

If you're a free member of the LAST Clubhouse, you will get access to the most recent recordings of sessions that we've had in the Clubhouse. At the time of writing, these include:
- "Measuring Enterprise Agility",
- "Design Thinking for Leaders"
- "Tech Career Conversations that don't suck"
- A chat with the Founder of Mindful in May
- "Delivering Value to Our Customers"
- Software Remodelling - Resisting the Rewrite Temptation
There's also a rotating selection of Bonus Content. Currently, "Lean Change Hacks for Wellbeing", "The Gold Vision Method" and "Returning to Business as usual post COVID"
Log in and take a look.
For a limited time, you can get 15% Discount on Full Membership of Season 2 of the Clubhouse, which runs until the end of April.
Just use this 15% discount code when joining:
Full Members access:
- included registration to mini-events (normally $44)
- included registration to longer-form workshops (usually 90 minutes, $44)
- Priority access and discounts to future in-person events
- All of the available recordings (not just the most recent ones) from LAST Anywhere and LAST Clubhouse sessions. There's more than 40 in the Full Member Archive, including:
- The recording from mini-LAST #1 with renowned Product Management expert Jeff Patton
- Lynne Cazaly
- Kazuyoshi Hisano
- Norman Bodek
- Dr Elise Bialylew
- Zach Mercurio and more.
- Bonus content including sessions from previous LAST, 1st and Spark the Change Conferences. Including
- Professor Henry Mintzberg
- Dr Peter Senge
- Norman Bodek
- John Cutler
- …with more on the way
- 90-minute workshop session from Zach Mercurio
- the recordings from a recent mini-Spark the Change
- Access to the online Community message board.
Here is a list of what is in the FULL MEMBER ARCHIVE and a preview of some fo the sessions
Not to mention continuing the sharing of knowledge and sense of community that is part of the LAST/1st/Spark the Change experience.

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