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Permission to Play
If you need a permission slip or the evidence to make the case for play in professional settings then this session is for you!
Erin’s been scouring the world crowd-sourcing professional play approaches. Folks from far and wide have celebrated what’s worked, fail-a-brated what hasn’t and pondered what it would take to get more folks playing in our workplaces.
She'll present the evidence that shows playful behaviour at work can boost business outcomes and give you a map of compelling resources to take back to your workplace to convince the doubters.
Then we'll share and crowd-source YOUR experiences of the highs, lows, traps and game-changers of how you've incorporated more playful approaches into your serious-pants adult worlds. At the end of the session we'll have a shared business case and real-life case studies that will help you take personal action to experiment and advocate.
Come along to be inspired and to inspire others as we grow our tribe of professional players!
Erin Faehrmann is the Chief Play Officer at Lead With Play, and a well-seasoned business manager. After 15+ years of working in highly technical organisations with lots of serious-pants adults she took a 5 year segway to lead a youth wellbeing non-profit. That experience gave her access to the science of how we flourish as humans, and sparked her passion for finding more playful ways to solve the complex problems we former-kids (aka adults) face in our lives, families, workplaces and communities.
See what else is on at the LAST Club.